I am ready to catch the ball=我準備好挑戰,the ball is your court=it is your responsibility now to make decision,not up to bar=我不接受這位置
go on vacation(美國用法)=度假,go on holiday(英國用法)=度假
addictive=令人上癮的,addictive drugs=令人上癮的藥,hoax=惡作劇。
to raise awareness=to bring attention to
workout(名詞)=運動完,didn't work out=失敗,work out(片語)=exercise
diagnose=診斷(診斷出疾病用with),severe depression=嚴重憂鬱症,outbreak=爆發,chaos=混亂,
auditory system=聽覺系統
respiratory tract=呼吸道
property=財產,事物固有的特質。anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties
hail=呼喊,hail from=來自某個地方,reminisce=回憶、追想。
breed=品種(名詞)、飼養(動詞),top dog=公司的頭,老板,work like a dog=很辛苦的工作,a dog-eat-dog world=弱肉強食的社會,Hot dog!=好極了!!
take center stage=成為眾人焦點,face off=對抗
get away=逃離、離開,get away from it all=逃離這一切。excavate=發掘、挖掘。beckon=吸引。
typically=通常指usually,習慣上地,charity campaign=慈善活動。venue=場所、比賽地點
pack in=擠進,pack on=增加,pack有充滿的意思
recommend=推薦、fiber(i發ㄞ的音而不是一的音)=纖維,polish=擦亮、修飾、潤飾,rescue relief=救援、救災
visual effect=視覺效果,sound effect=聽覺效果,wipe out=消滅、徹底毀滅,composition=構成、成分,behind the scenes=在幕後,behind-the-scenes negotiation=幕後協商。
2010年10月27日 星期三
假設語氣(the subjunctive mood)是一種表示假設狀態的句型,由if引導的副詞子句與主要子句構成。依時態的不同形成下列四種基本句型以及一種特殊句型:
- 純條件的假設語氣-用現在式 If + S + V(現在式) + …, S + will/may/can/should/shall/must/ought to + VR + …. 例:If Jane comes to my birthday party, I will be on the cloud nine. (如果珍來我的生日派對,我會高興的九霄雲外。)
- 與現在事實相反的假設語氣-用過去式 If + S + V(過去式) + …, S + would/could/should/might/ought to + VR + …. 例:If Jane came to my birthday party, I would be on the cloud nine. But she is not here. (如果珍現在有來我的生日派對,我會高興的九霄雲外。) 但她現在不在這裡
- 與過去事實相反的假設語氣-用過去完成式 If + S + had + P.P. + …, S + would/could/should/might/ought to + have + P.P. + …. 例:If Jane had come to my birthday party, I would have been on the cloud nine. But she was not here. (如果珍當時有來我的生日派對,我會高興的九霄雲外。) 但她當時不在這裡
- 與未來狀況相反的假設語氣-由if子句用助動詞should(譯作:「萬一」),主要子句則用現在式或過去式助動詞 【可能性低】If + S + should + VR + …, S + would/could/should/might/ought to + VR + …. 【可能性高】If + S + should + VR + …, S + will/can/shall/may + VR + …. 例:If Jane should come to my birthday party, I would/will be on the cloud nine. (萬一珍有來我的生日派對,我會高興的九霄雲外。)
- 表示與永恆不變的真理相反的假設語氣 If + S + were to + VR + …, S + would/could/should/might/ought to + VR + …. 例:If I were to be qualified for National Taiwan University, my mother would be on the cloud nine. (要是我考上台大,我媽會高興的九霄雲外。) ↑我知道這不可能啦,所以不要噓我了 =..=
- had If he had done it, he would have felt sorry. = Had he done it, he would have felt sorry. (如果他當時做了這件事,他會後悔的。)
- should If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay (at) home. = Should it rain tomorrow, I would stay (at) home. (萬一明天下雨,我會待在家。) ↑我在家當陽光宅男,嗯… 整個就是超級陽光的! 至於在家當陽光宅男的stay home與stay at home的區別: stay為不及物動詞,而home可做為「地方副詞」或「名詞」 (a) home做地方副詞時:stay這個不及物動詞剛好與之形成「S + Vi. + S.C.」的句型,home恰好做為主詞補語 (b) home做名詞時:stay這個不及物動詞因為有at這個介係詞當橋樑,可連接受詞home,且剛好形成「S + Vi. + prep. + O.」的句型
- were If he were lazy, he might fail. = Were he lazy, he might fail. (如果他怠惰,他就有可能失敗。)
》》》 時態不一致
If + S + had + P.P. + …, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + … + (now/today) + .
例:If I had started saving money then, I would be able to buy a car (now).
解析:If I had started saving money then, I would be able to buy a car (now).
》》》 同等於if的連接詞
if = in case (that)、on condition that、provided/providing (that);so long as(只要)、as long as(只要),此類連接詞通常只用在表純條件的假設語氣中。也就是說,其引導的子句均為現在式。
例:If it is, we will start to do it.
例:In case he comes, let me know.
= In case he should come, let me know.
例:I will take the trip with you on condition that you bear the expenses.
例:I will pardon him provided/providing (that) he acknowledges his mistakes.
例:Any book will do as long as it is interesting.
》》》 but for + N 若非/要不是…
- 與現在事實相反:若非…就… If it were not + that + S + V(用現在式) + …, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. = Were it not + that + S + V(用現在式) + …, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. = If it were not for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. = Were it for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. = But for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. = Without + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + VR + …. 例:If it were not that he works hard, I wouldn't like him. = Were it not that he works hard, I wouldn't like him. = If it were not for his hard work, I wouldn't like him. = Were it not for his hard work, I wouldn't like him. = But for his hard work, I wouldn't like him. = Without his hard work, I wouldn't like him.
- 與過去事實相反:若非當時…就… If it had not been + that + S + V(用過去式) + …, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. …. = Had it not been + that + S + V(用過去式) + …, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. + …. = If it had not been for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. + …. = Had it not been for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. + …. = But for + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. + …. = Without + N, S + would/could/might/should/ought to + have + P.P. + …. 例:If it had not been that he lent me the money, I couldn't have bought the book. = Had it not been that he lent me the money, I couldn't have bought the book. = If it had not been for the money (which) he lent me, I couldn't have bought the book. = Had it not been for the money (which) he lent me, I couldn't have bought the book. = But for the money (which) he lent me, I couldn't have bought the book. = Without the money (which) he lent me, I couldn't have bought the book.
好險有藍山↑不好笑,我知道 =..=
》》》 lest…(should) + VR +… 以免/唯恐…
lest + … + (should) + VR …
= for fear that + S + may + VR【表示現在或未來的狀況】
= for fear that + S + might + VR【表示過去的狀況】
= for fear of + V-ing
例:You must study hard lest you (should) fail the exam.
= You must study hard for fear that you may fail the exam.
= You must study hard for fear of failing the exam.
例:He did it carefully lest he (should) make the same mistake again.
= He did it carefully for fear that he might make the same mistake again.
= He did it carefully for fear of making the same mistake again.
》》》 as if…= as though… 彷彿/好像…
as though或as if均為副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句,使用時有三種時態:
- 表示極大的可能 → 動詞使用一般時態 例:It looks as if/as though it is going to rain. (看起來好像要下雨了。)
- 表與現在事實相反 → 動詞使用過去式 例:Mr. Wang loves me as if/as though I were his own child. (王先生愛我就像我是她的孩子一樣。)
- 表與過去事實相反 → 動詞使用過去完成式 例:He looked as if/as though nothing had happened. (他看起來就好像什麼事也沒發生過一樣。)
例:She opened her lips as if/as though she was going to speak.
》》》 What if…should…? 要是……的話會怎樣/要怎麼辦?
(※本概念於 95 年大學入學指定科目考試有考過)
本句型乃表示對未來狀況的存疑的假設語氣。if子句多半都會置入助動詞should。例:What if he should come?
= What might happen if he should come?
= What could I/we do if he should come?
例:What if it should rain?
= What might happen if it should rain?
= What could I/we do if it should rain?
*what if之後亦可用現在式,故上列例句亦可改寫如下:
What if he comes?
= What shall we do if he comes?
What if it rains?
= What may happen if it rains?
》》》 It is time/high time/about time + (that) + S + V-ed + …. 該是……的時候了
例:It is time (that) he went to bed.
= It is high time (that) he went to bed.
= It is about time (that) he went to bed.
例:It is time (that) he went to bed.
= It is time for hime to go to bed.
= It is high time for hime to go to bed.
= It is about time for hime to go to bed.
It is time + (that) + S + V-ed + ….
= It is high time + (that) + S + V-ed + ….
= It is about time + (that) + S + V-ed + ….
= It is time + for sb. + to + VR + ….
= It is high time + for sb. + to + VR + ….
= It is about time + for sb. + to + VR + ….
》》》 If only + 假設語氣 + …. 但願/要是……就好了
例:If only he were here.
= I wish he were here.
例:If only I had known it earlier.
= I wish I had known it earlier.
》》》 wish的用法
- wish之後接that子句時,一定要使用假設語氣。若與現在事實相反,要用過去式;若與過去事實相反,則要用過去完成式。換句話說,that子句中的時態絕無現在式。 例:
- I wish (that) + …. 真希望……就好了 句型:I wish + (that) + …. = I would rather + (that) + …. = Would that + ….【文言】 例:I wish (that) I had studied harder when young. = I would rather (that) I had studied harder when young. = Would that I had studied harder when young.【文言】 (真希望我當時能更用功就好了。) ↑這也是看到指考成績後的心聲啊…
》》》 hope的用法
- 表示現在狀況: 例:I hope (that) he is safe and sound. (我希望他安然無恙。) → safe and sound (phr.) 安然無恙地 ↑sound (a.) 健全的、 (Vi.) 聽起來、 (n.) 聲音,這裡做形容詞(翻譯做:健全的)
- 表示未來狀況: 例:I hope he will be back (我希望他會回來。)
- 表示進行狀況: 例:I hope they are having a good time. (我希望他們正玩得愉快。) ↑複習:表示「做…愉快」的句型:have fun/pleasure/a good time/a great time + 用法1 (in) + V-ing 或 用法2 with + N
- 表示完成狀況: 例:I hope they have finished the work. (我希望他們已經把工作做好了。)
》》》 I hope與祈使句(命令句)的關係
I hope接that子句時,子句中可使用助動詞may,形成祈使句。此時將I hope that刪除,將may置於原that子句的主詞之前,動詞仍用原形動詞,原句點改為驚嘆號。
例:I hope (that) he may live long.
= May he live long!
例:I hope (that) you may pass the exam.
= May you pass the exam!
- 以God為主詞時,可以省略may。 例:I hope God may bless you.【老外不常用】 = May God bless you!【老外常用】 = God bless you!【老外最常用】 (上帝保佑你!)
- 以「國家」或「君主萬歲」時,可採倒裝句構。 例:I hope the king may live long.【老外不常用】 = May the king live long!【老外常用】 = Long live the king!【老外最常用】 (國王萬歲!)
》》》 wish與hope的異同
- 相同部分: Ⅰ. 均可用不定詞做為受詞 例:I wish to travel abroad. = I hope to travel abroad. (我希望能出國旅遊。) Ⅱ. 亦可作不及物動詞,與介係詞for並用,表示「期望獲得」之意,以名詞作為其受詞。 例:I wish for a chance to try it.【常用】 = I hope for a chance to try it.【罕用】 (我希望能有機會嘗試一下。) ↑try it不要想到純喫茶喔 =..=
- 不同部分: 表「祝福」時,只能用wish,之後接兩個名詞或代名詞作為其受詞。 例:I wish you a good time. (祝你們玩得愉快。) 例:I wish my parents longevity. (祝我父母長命百歲。) ↑注意:longevity為不可數名詞,譯作:長壽(不是香菸喔)、長命百歲 換做hope的部份: 例:
》》》 對過去事物的猜測的三種句型
- must have + P.P. + … 一定曾經… 例:He is learned; he must have received a good education. (他博學多聞,一定受過良好的教育。)
- may have + P.P. + … 可能曾經… 例:He looks tired; he may have stayed up late last night. (他看起來很疲倦,可能昨晚熬夜到很晚。) ↑雖然指考已經過了,但還是來附息一下“熬夜”的講法: stay up = sit up = burn the midnight oil = pull an all nighter
- cannot have + P.P. + … 不可能曾經… 例:He is honest; he cannot have stolen Mary's money. (他是老實人,不可能偷瑪莉的錢。)
例:May he have done it?【錯誤】
改成:Can he have done it?【正確】
改成:Can he have done it?【正確】
》》》 比較“didn't need to + VR”與“need not have + P.P.”的不同
“didn't need to + VR”乃表示對過去的事實,即「不必……同時亦沒有如此做」;而“need not have + P.P.”乃表示對過去事實相反的假設語氣,即「不必……但卻這麼做了」(同should not have + P.P.)。
例:As I had enough money, I didn't need to borrow any (money) from him.
例:Since you had enough money, you need not have borrowed money from me, but why did you still borrow some?
》》》 意志動詞
- 表「建議」:suggest、recommend、advise、urge(呼籲)、propose、move(提議)
- 表「要求」:ask、desire、demand、require、request、insist(堅持要求)
- 表「命令」:order、command
- 表「規定」:rule、regulate、stipulate
- 表「主張」:advocate、maintain
例:Mary desired (that) Peter (should) treat her nicely.
例:The manager ordered (that) the secretary (should) hand in the proposal by Friday.
例:The principal ruled (that) no student (should) play truant.
↑逃學會被老妖怪抓到唷 =..=
- suggest表「暗示」:suggest = imply = hint 例:His words suggested that he wasn't telling a lie. = His words implied that he wasn't telling a lie. = His words hinted that he wasn't telling a lie. (他的話中暗示他絕不是在說謊。)
- insist表「堅信」:insist = be convinced = be sure 例:He insists that the job isn't so difficult as one may think. = He is convinced that the job isn't so difficult as one may think. = He is sure that the job isn't so difficult as one may think. (他深信這份工作沒有一般人想像的那麼困難。)
- maintain表「堅決認為」:maintain = believe 例:John maintained that he had met the girl before. = John believed that he had met the girl before. (約翰確信他曾見過那女孩。)
》》》 insist on + V-ing 堅持要…
例:He insisted on doing it (in) that way.
注意:“insist on…”與“persist in…”均以動名詞做為受詞,但意思有別:
- insist on… 堅持要……(有固執的涵義) 例:John insisted on going fishing even though a typhoon was coming. (雖然颱風要來了,約翰堅持要去釣魚。) ↑我想是被魚掉唄~ 颱風在海邊釣魚或觀浪我記得好像要罰二十五萬? 問陳英櫻老師吧 =..=
- persist in… 從事……很執著(有很努力且不輕易放棄的涵義) 例:Peter persisted in handling the problem all by himself. (彼得很執著於自己來處理這個問題。) ↑複習一下唄~ 處理:handle = deal with = cope with 嗯… 也許莫名的執著是成功的原動力吧?!
如輸送 化熱這兩科
輸送分為動量傳送 熱傳和質傳
針對動量傳送(平板,steady state,牛頓流體)以補習班的系統
一開始先寫出continuity eq'n
1. V=V(x,y,z) 流動方向
2. one-dimension flow 幾個方向流動
3. Steady state 穩態或非穩態
4. Newtonian fluid 流體性質
5. fully developed
輸送分為動量傳送 熱傳和質傳
針對動量傳送(平板,steady state,牛頓流體)以補習班的系統
一開始先寫出continuity eq'n
1. V=V(x,y,z) 流動方向
2. one-dimension flow 幾個方向流動
3. Steady state 穩態或非穩態
4. Newtonian fluid 流體性質
5. fully developed
2010年10月26日 星期二
在英語中,字 (尤其是形容詞和名詞)以多種方式結合成複合結構。複合字一旦形成,它們有時會隨時間而變形。一個常見的模式是,兩個字 -- 譬如說,fire fly -- 經過一段時間後 以連字號結合在一起 -- fire-fly -- 然後又結合成一個字 -- firefly。我們只有一個方法可以知道英語複合字的拼字,那就是查閱權威的字典。
形容詞的比較級和最高級在與其他修飾語複合時加連字號:the highest-priced car, the shorter-term loan。但這並非亙古不變的定律:the most talented youngster。以 ly 做字尾的副詞在與其他修飾語複合時不加連字號:a highly rated bank, a partially refunded ticket, publicly held securities。
有時加連字號的修飾語在變成複合名詞時,其連字號自動消失:A clear decision-making process was evident in their decision making. The bluish grey was slowly disappearing from the bluish-grey sky。但這也並非總是如此:your high-rise apartment building is also known as a high-rise。
當以一個人的年齡來修飾他或她時,該複合片語加連字號:my six-year-old son。但當年齡位在人的後面時,我們不加連字號:My son is six years old. 然而,He is a six-year-old.
封閉型態 (closed form),如 firefly, secondhand, softball, childlike, crosstown, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook。修飾用的複合字經常被加上連字號以避免混淆。紐約公立圖書館的「寫作者指南」(Writer's Guide) 指出,an old-furniture salesman 顯然是從事古家具的交易,但 an old furniture salesman 必定是個老人。然而,我們對 a used car dealer 可能就不會有這樣的混淆了。當複合修飾語位在名詞的前面時,它們通常加連字號:part-time teacher, fifty-yard-wide field, fire-resistant curtains, high-speed chase。然而,當這些相同的修飾用字位在名詞的後面時,它們不加連字號:: a field fifty yards wide, curtains that are fire resistant, 等等。The second-rate opera company gave a performance that was first rate。
加連字號型態 (hyphenated form),如 daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, over-the-counter, six-pack, six-year-old, mass-produced。
開放型態 (open form),如 post office, real estate, middle class, full moon, half sister, attorney general。
形容詞的比較級和最高級在與其他修飾語複合時加連字號:the highest-priced car, the shorter-term loan。但這並非亙古不變的定律:the most talented youngster。以 ly 做字尾的副詞在與其他修飾語複合時不加連字號:a highly rated bank, a partially refunded ticket, publicly held securities。
有時加連字號的修飾語在變成複合名詞時,其連字號自動消失:A clear decision-making process was evident in their decision making. The bluish grey was slowly disappearing from the bluish-grey sky。但這也並非總是如此:your high-rise apartment building is also known as a high-rise。
當以一個人的年齡來修飾他或她時,該複合片語加連字號:my six-year-old son。但當年齡位在人的後面時,我們不加連字號:My son is six years old. 然而,He is a six-year-old.
1. I am a student.
2. Are the dog in the classroom?
3. Happy birthday!
2. Are the dog in the classroom?
3. Happy birthday!
以上這些,我們都稱它們為「句子」。但還有一種對於剛學英語的學生來說很容易弄錯,那就是「子句」。從上述的三個「句子」,我們就會發現到,這些「句子」都只是單一個子句所構成的句子,因除了第 3 句外,第 1, 2 句均只有一個「主詞」和一個「動詞」,只要是含有一個主詞和動詞者,均叫做是一個「子句」,如此說來,上述的例句 1, 2 就是由一個「子句」所構成的「句子」了。 那有沒有由二個以上的「子句」構成一個長「句子」呢?當然有,如:
4. 我是個學生 而 他也是個學生。
5. 我有一隻狗 但 他沒有。
5. 我有一隻狗 但 他沒有。
在英語中的連接詞有很多種,最簡單的是 and 和 but:
and: | 用於連接前後兩個子句的意思相同;或兩句時間有先後的子句。如:I am a student, and he is a student, too.(我是個學生,而他也是。) ──前後兩句的意思相同。 He ate his breakfast, and (he) went to school.(他吃過早餐後,就去上學了。) ──第一子句發生在前,而後第二子句。 Mary has a problem, and she is talking to Harry about it. ──第一子句發生在前,而後第二子句。 |
but: | 用於連接前後兩個子句的意思相反時。 如: I like dogs, but he likes cats.(我喜歡狗,但他喜歡貓。) ──前後兩句的意思相反。 Butterflies are beautiful, but caterpillars are not.(蝴蝶很漂亮,但毛毛虫卻不是。) ──前後兩句的意思相反。 Jack loved good food, but he didn't like exercise.(Jack喜歡好吃的食物,但他卻不喜歡運動。) ──前後兩句的意思相反。 |
想想看:你有無發現到,在上述的五個例句中,兩個連接詞 and, but 前,都有一個標點符號,請問那是什麼符號?
「片語動詞」中所包含的副詞,往往具有介系詞的用法,且容易被誤解是介系詞(因為介系詞後面必須加受詞),像這類的字通常稱之為「介副詞」,例如:take off the jacket可帶換成take the jacket off,前者乍看之下off接著the jacket,以為是介系詞用法,但後者take off 分開後,off後面放空,就絕對不是介系詞的特性了,所以「片語動詞」的重要特質,就是可將動詞與副詞分開,也可以不分開,也就是受詞the jacket可放在take off的中間或後面,但是有一點足以證明off在此是副詞,因為假使the jacket寫成了代名詞it,則這個片語非得寫成take it off不可,亦即受詞(the jacket)寫成人稱代名詞(it)時,一定要放在及物動詞(take)後面才行,這個規則在「授與動詞」give(給)、buy(買)、send(寄、送)的用法中一樣適用。然而當「片語動詞」之動詞為「不及物動詞」時,因為不及物動詞沒有受詞,也就沒有所謂可分開或不可分開的疑慮,例如:get up(起床)、go out(出去)、show off(炫耀)、take off(起飛)。
上一段已經說明take off的off是副詞,而off有當介系詞的用法嗎?有的,例如fall off the bike意思為「從腳踏車上摔下來」,fall是「掉落」,off為「脫離」,bike是「腳踏車」,所以此片語解釋為「脫離腳踏車而掉落」,fall其掉落的意思不變,off the bike則是表示地方的介系詞片語,提供了掉落的脫離點所在,而且off the bike的結構(介系詞加受詞)是不能更改的。如此可知,off這個字具有副詞及介系詞的用法,稱之為「介副詞」,何時當副詞,何時當介系詞,非得小心不可。又如up(往上)和down(往下)這兩個字最常當副詞使用,像stand up(站起來)與sit down(坐下),就是典型的例子。但是在climb up the tree(爬上樹)的寫法中,climb是動詞「爬」, up是介系詞「往上」, the tree是受詞「樹」,其含意為「往樹上爬去」;run down the hill(跑下斜坡)的寫法中,run是動詞「跑」, down是介系詞「往下」,the hill是受詞「斜坡」,其含意為「往斜坡下方跑去」。兩個例子中,動詞climb(爬),與動詞run(跑),並無法改變「樹」與「斜坡」的現狀,只能以後面的介系詞片語,來說明該動作的方向。所以「介副詞」同一個字,當成介系詞或副詞使用時,雖然意思差別可能不大,但對動詞的影響程度與意思轉向,卻有所不同。
此外,有很多及物或不及物動詞的所形成的動詞片語寫法,會被誤解成是片語動詞的作用,因而任意將片語拆開,導致寫法錯誤。例如動詞片語或者片語動詞中,一些不及物動詞靠著介系詞才能接上受詞,這種就無法改變位置,像walk to the library(走到圖書館),其中的walk(走)為不及物動詞,to(向、、、)是介系詞, the liberary(圖書館)是受詞,介系詞加受詞的組合是「不二價」,不容拆夥的最佳拍檔,又如get out of the car(從車子裡出來), get out(出來)是片語動詞,但是out卻是副詞,用以說明動作的結果,若要表明從何處而出,就必須以介系詞 of,加上受詞 the car。
動詞 副詞 受詞
put(放)on(上面)the hat(帽子)
put on the hat = put the hat on(把帽子戴上)
look(看)up(完成)the word(這個字)
look up the word = look the word up(查出這個字)
turn(轉)on(開)the light(電燈)
turn on the light= turn the light on(將電燈打開)
wake(叫醒)up(往上)your son(你兒子)
wake up your son = wake your son up(將你兒子叫起來)
pick(撿)up(往上)a pen(一枝筆)
pick up a pen = pick a pen up(撿起一枝筆)
try(嘗試)on(上面)the dress(那件洋裝)
try on the dress = try the dress on(試穿那件洋裝)
take(拿)away(離開)my key(我的鑰匙)
take my key away= take my key away(把我的鑰匙拿走)
上一段已經說明take off的off是副詞,而off有當介系詞的用法嗎?有的,例如fall off the bike意思為「從腳踏車上摔下來」,fall是「掉落」,off為「脫離」,bike是「腳踏車」,所以此片語解釋為「脫離腳踏車而掉落」,fall其掉落的意思不變,off the bike則是表示地方的介系詞片語,提供了掉落的脫離點所在,而且off the bike的結構(介系詞加受詞)是不能更改的。如此可知,off這個字具有副詞及介系詞的用法,稱之為「介副詞」,何時當副詞,何時當介系詞,非得小心不可。又如up(往上)和down(往下)這兩個字最常當副詞使用,像stand up(站起來)與sit down(坐下),就是典型的例子。但是在climb up the tree(爬上樹)的寫法中,climb是動詞「爬」, up是介系詞「往上」, the tree是受詞「樹」,其含意為「往樹上爬去」;run down the hill(跑下斜坡)的寫法中,run是動詞「跑」, down是介系詞「往下」,the hill是受詞「斜坡」,其含意為「往斜坡下方跑去」。兩個例子中,動詞climb(爬),與動詞run(跑),並無法改變「樹」與「斜坡」的現狀,只能以後面的介系詞片語,來說明該動作的方向。所以「介副詞」同一個字,當成介系詞或副詞使用時,雖然意思差別可能不大,但對動詞的影響程度與意思轉向,卻有所不同。
此外,有很多及物或不及物動詞的所形成的動詞片語寫法,會被誤解成是片語動詞的作用,因而任意將片語拆開,導致寫法錯誤。例如動詞片語或者片語動詞中,一些不及物動詞靠著介系詞才能接上受詞,這種就無法改變位置,像walk to the library(走到圖書館),其中的walk(走)為不及物動詞,to(向、、、)是介系詞, the liberary(圖書館)是受詞,介系詞加受詞的組合是「不二價」,不容拆夥的最佳拍檔,又如get out of the car(從車子裡出來), get out(出來)是片語動詞,但是out卻是副詞,用以說明動作的結果,若要表明從何處而出,就必須以介系詞 of,加上受詞 the car。
動詞 副詞 受詞
put(放)on(上面)the hat(帽子)
put on the hat = put the hat on(把帽子戴上)
look(看)up(完成)the word(這個字)
look up the word = look the word up(查出這個字)
turn(轉)on(開)the light(電燈)
turn on the light= turn the light on(將電燈打開)
wake(叫醒)up(往上)your son(你兒子)
wake up your son = wake your son up(將你兒子叫起來)
pick(撿)up(往上)a pen(一枝筆)
pick up a pen = pick a pen up(撿起一枝筆)
try(嘗試)on(上面)the dress(那件洋裝)
try on the dress = try the dress on(試穿那件洋裝)
take(拿)away(離開)my key(我的鑰匙)
take my key away= take my key away(把我的鑰匙拿走)
cattle=牲畜, tribute=部落,exhilarate=使.....振奮,conservation=保護
whopping=極大的,exchange rate=匯率,index=指標,unemployment rate=失業率
promote=提倡、升遷,be dedicated to=專心於......
beyond your means=入不敷出,live within one's means=收支平衡,balance[balㄜs]=帳戶中的餘額。redeem=兌換、贖回。
free在字尾可以當作"毫無....." ex:hands-free=免手持式的、sugar-free=無糖的、risk-free=毫無風險、fat-free=無脂紡的、feel free to do something=沒拘束做某事
whopping=極大的,exchange rate=匯率,index=指標,unemployment rate=失業率
promote=提倡、升遷,be dedicated to=專心於......
beyond your means=入不敷出,live within one's means=收支平衡,balance[balㄜs]=帳戶中的餘額。redeem=兌換、贖回。
free在字尾可以當作"毫無....." ex:hands-free=免手持式的、sugar-free=無糖的、risk-free=毫無風險、fat-free=無脂紡的、feel free to do something=沒拘束做某事
step on it=踩油門、加快速度,step it up=趕快,out of step=步伐不齊,step by step=逐漸地
2010年10月14日 星期四
English interview questions
Q1:Please tell me something about yourself
I think I'm very frank and have a strong sense of responsibility.I have good personality such as aggressive, self-motivated, fast-learning, is able to work independently and precisely even under pressure.
Q2:When you were at school, were you involved in any activities?
Q3:Would you talk about your strength and weakness?
I think I'm very frank and have a strong sense of responsibility.I have good personality such as aggressive, self-motivated, fast-learning, is able to work independently and precisely even under pressure.
Q2:When you were at school, were you involved in any activities?
Q3:Would you talk about your strength and weakness?
MKTG - MS Specialist
Overall Job Description (business purpose & important responsibilities):
· The Marketing Supply (MS) Specialist will act as company's operations leader to delivery execution excellence for company's promotions activities and accumulate spending pool expertise in daily execution.
· Overall service/material single point of contact between Brands/MS&P and agencies/suppliers.
· Overall Owner of promotional service and material in terms of system building, process development and project delivery and performance and payment verification.
· Own CPS for all promotional projects (including promotion pack, service and material…etc)
· Develop POS material and execution in-store
· Involve in design work, and provide business recommendation based on brand equity and trade environment.
· Drive discipline in MKT, CBD and multifunction team. MS specialist need to flag out issues and provide solution.
· Own QA work to ensure flawless quality delivery
· Build agencies/suppliers capability.
· Take spending pool responsibility to drive innovation and professional knowledge to contribute in business and organization
· Much of the work requires thinking through how best to approach the task to get desired results.
. Most of the work must be accomplished with minimal supervision and under time pressure.
Qualification Required (Education, critical skills, work experience, expertise, attitude, functional knowledge, etc.):
· College degree.
· Fluent English in listening, speaking and writing
· Strong leadership/ownership and strong problem solving and follow-up capability and strong priority setting skill.
· Able to work independently and
· Strong collaboration skills with both internal customers and outside parties
· Strong passion to drive innovation and breakthrough in business/spending pool and organization. Need passion to taking challenge
. 1 year above marketing executive experience is preferred.
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